TU Delft Biomedical Engineering for Global Health Lab
WOCA -A battery powered wound pump designed for use in low-resource settings
An affordable, portable and safe VAC device was developed to treat patients with chronic and complex wounds: the Wound Care (WOCA) Pump.
WOCA - A battery powered wound pump designed for use in low- and middle-income countries
Vacuum-Assisted wound care (VAC) is effective for treating complex wounds, but is hardly available in low- and middle-incomce countries. An affordable, portable and safe VAC device was developed to treat patients with chronic and complex wounds: the Wound Care (WOCA) Pump. The WOCA safely controls the pressure accurately (+/- 10%) between -70 and -125 mmHg for a total component cost of USD 150. In this research important steps were taken to make VAC therapy more accessible, affordable and safe for marginalised patients in low- and middle-income countries.
We are currently testing local manufacturing of this device with our partners in Kenya and Nepal. In Nepal clinical tests are currently being prepared.
Read more: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7070653918405390336/
Please reach out if you are intersted to be involved in this project.
Contact: j.dankelman@tudelft.nl or r.m.oosting@tudelft.nl
Students involved in this project:
Noa Nicolai
Eline Raaijmakers
Experts involved: Prof. J.C Diehl (TU Delft)
Arjan Knulst
Suraj Maharjan